Where is your mind really Part 2
July 17, 2020
This article will discuss some more examples of what we might see, when the subconscious narrative based in the fear response is active in someone.
Initially the impacts of this can be subtle and easily put down to normal behaviour. This is especially true when a large number of the population is impacted such as say.. during a world-wide pandemic! And our first response may be to look for these ‘symptoms’ in others first. A word of caution here. Before you go down the hall to your family or colleague’s office and start pointing out to them where they are demonstrating their subconscious narrative, put yourself through the filter. No one escapes this process; it just looks different in different people. Exploring this is very much, a look at yourself in the mirror experience.
Let’s look at some examples to give you some perspective.
Example 1
You hate your current role. When you began this year, you had decided that in the course of the year you would be moving to something that felt better or where you felt more valued. CoVid happened and you were working from home most of the time. Now you are back at your work and you still hate it. But now you feel trapped and scared to venture out and even look at what may be available. You don’t talk to anyone but you are grumpy with your family and gaining weight. You are feeling irritable and have issues with your health.
In this example the fear has not caused action but inaction. But because it not serving, it is having an impact on health and personal relationships. If this person was asked they may even say they are grateful to be working or that they are really happy. But the symptoms suggest there is more going on.
Example 2
You set the intention that you would expand your business. You have been going well over the last year and it feels like the next natural progression. During the pandemic, you could trade and while you had a drop off for a couple of months, overall you have recovered and are growing again. Your support team are asking you when you will bring on more professional staff as you predicted. You are filled with uncertainty. You decide you will just continue as you are and not expand as you expected to.
Now for those of you who run businesses you may relate to this feeling of contraction. The desire to keep things small and safe to keep going. If you are making a great business decision with clear facts assessed and risks determined, that is amazing. But checking in on your thought process is vital here. Business that is not growing IS going backward. Making fear based decisions can be fatal in the long run. Assessing your subconscious narrative and really asking great questions is paramount in this case.
Take some time today to assess your current action or inaction? Could your subconscious be making you to act in ways that are not serving you?